Archive for the ‘Relief’ Category

Multiple choice.

February 27, 2009

What has highfemme been up to for the last however-many weeks?  Was it:

a) Falling from anti-consumerist grace.

b) Baking 5 dozen cookies, pastries, and cupcakes.

c) Doing femme organizing work to bring together countless brilliant and queertastic ladies for fun, creativity, and stereotype-busting.

d) Falling even more deeply in love with her handsome butch.

Bet you can guess.  Yeah, it’s all of the above.  And then some.  Commentary, in brief: a) ah, those pesky recession sales and irresistible knee-high boots; b) with homemade cream cheese frosting, no less;  c) femmes rock;  d) I am so fucking lucky to have her in my life; and e) all I want for my birthday is more sleep.



Queer dance party (to go)!

December 18, 2008

I cannot count the number of times I have danced around my living room in solidarity with this video.